Public Ed Works Features Ready Ready in Four Great Stories!

Public Ed Works featured Ready for School, Ready for Life in four great stories. These pieces highlight the amazing progress we, in collaboration with our partner organizations, are making toward building and maintaining a coordinated system of care for Guilford County’s youngest children and their families.

The first story, “Very Big Ideas for Early Childhood,” provides an overview of how the Ready Ready initiative works.

The second, “Listening to Parents,” emphasizes the importance of listening to parents’ voices as we build and implement the Routes to Ready system of care.

The third, “Will Employers Support Families?,” examines the role employers play in creating a community conducive to early childhood development.

The fourth, “Lessons,” covers lessons we have learned doing this groundbreaking work that could help similar initiatives working in their own communities.

Public Ed Works, connects with over 2.5 million people each year through social media, digital marketing, their website, and weekly newsletters. They also collaborate with top North Carolina education-focused organizations like the Public School Forum of North Carolina, BEST NC, Public Schools First NC, and Education NC.

Please take a moment to read these stories and share them with anyone who might be interested in learning more about our work!