Megan LeFaivre joined Ready for School, Ready for Life in April 2021. As the Literacy Coordinator, she is helping to implement Guilford County’s early literacy strategic plan. The plan includes implementation of The Basics Guilford, expansion of Active Reading strategies, and book distribution across Guilford County.
As a community volunteer, Megan has been involved with the development of Ready for School, Ready for Life from the beginning. She served on the Steering Committee, the Early Literacy Strategic Planning Committee, the Public Policy Committee, and the Guilford Basics Launch Committee. Megan has also spent 10 years as an educator, both in elementary schools as a Reading Specialist and most recently, teaching at a local preschool.
Megan graduated from Wake Forest University and earned her Masters of Education degree from UNC-Greensboro. She lives in Jamestown with her husband, and they have two daughters. When she is not working, Megan loves to cook, read and travel.