Routes to Ready


Routes to Ready links parents and caregivers with trusted community partners to contribute to healthy development for Guilford County’s youngest children.

Beginning prenatally and continuing through age 3, Routes to Ready navigates families to the unique combination of community resources and information families want, and children need. These resources supplement the care provided by medical practitioners and add structural support beyond the love and attention of primary caregivers.

A path for parents and caregivers

Raising a young child is a journey that is both exciting and full of unknowns. Families travel different paths, and we can help them get past any bumps along the way. The destination is clear: to help our children develop, grow, and thrive. And in our community, no family is alone in this adventure.

Routes to Ready connects families with community resources while following the direction set by parents and caregivers.

  1. Parents and caregivers connect with a trained navigator prenatal or early in childhood – often through their medical provider.
  2. Navigators partner with the family to map out each family’s unique pathway.
  3. A course is set to the most useful Guilford County resources.
  4. Ongoing support and regular check-ins are provided to help families throughout their journey.
  5. Families set the direction. Routes to Ready helps them get there.

With Routes to Ready in your passenger seat, getting to all these resources is clearly mapped out.
Your community is here for you, and your unique experiences will help improve navigation for other families.

Together, we can drive towards a bright future for our community and our children.

Routes to Ready is part of Ready for School, Ready for Life. Ready Ready is a collaborative effort to build a connected, innovative system of care for Guilford County’s youngest children and their families. Routes to Ready program partners include Community Navigation, Family Connects, HealthySteps, and Nurse-Family Partnership.

By partnering with families through the critical early stages of childhood, Routes to Ready seeks to understand and address the systemic challenges that impact families in our community, supporting young children’s early cognitive, emotional, and behavioral development.

For more information, please contact Community Navigation/Children’s Home Society at